
BOGO Coupon Generates ~$75k in Sales in Just 2 Weeks

In Case Studies by getpushing


A Naples restaurant has consistently published a buy one, get one (BOGO) free coupon in Naples Daily News during specific times of year (predominately out of season) for multiple years with success. In 2020 they set a goal of improving sales in January, an already highly successful month. It was decided that the BOGO coupon would be employed in the Naples Daily News. In addition, PTE suggested employing digital efforts as well to promote the coupon and generate even more return, as well as expanded tracking.


  • Employ a print coupon in Naples Daily News in the first two weeks of January. (first time running an ad/offer in January in many years)
  • Include a digital version of the coupon in a standalone email distributed to the restaurant’s sizable audience.
  • Run a paid social media promotion linking to the restaurant’s website with a digital version of the coupon.


The coupons generated approximately $40,000 in sales in the first week and $35,000 in sales in the second week for a total of $75,000 via a total of 1,237 coupon redemptions. 679 of those coupons came from Naples Daily News, while 558 (45%) came from digital redemptions.

The email was distributed on Sunday, January 6, and had a 29% open rate and an 8% click rate. Note, the coupon itself was not clickable.

The social media ad ran from January 6 to January 16 with a $400 budget. It generated 19,728 reach, 42,400 impressions, and 4,593 clicks for a cost per click of $0.09. It also received 195 reactions, 28 comments, and 87 shares.

The specials page on the website received 11,075 pageviews from January 6 to January 16.