Leveraging Media Relations to Increase Brand Awareness

There are many ways for businesses to promote themselves and create brand awareness. While digital efforts (social media, websites, email marketing, etc.) have value, public relations, specifically publicity, can still go a long way to boosting brand awareness among your target audiences.
So, you want to get the media to cover your business, tell your story. How do you do it? It all falls on building a relationship with key media representatives (journalists) that can help get your business’ story or news out to your chosen audiences. The formal term for this is media relations.
Do Your Research
Once you’ve decided on a pitch or a piece of news you’d like to share, it’s crucial to identify the relevant publications that will reach the audience you’re targeting and would be most likely share your story. Taking the time to research the publications and their key writers is essential in identifying whom you should contact. Researching the writers and taking note of previous stories, their interests, and priorities will give you a better idea of what they’re looking for in a story and how you can best present your business. As you’re starting to see, effective media relations involves more than just picking media outlets or publications and making a phone call or two.
Manage the Relationship
Media relations requires mutual respect and collaboration, in addition to having a reporter’s beat (topic they write about) or a list of media email addresses. There are several ways to maintain a healthy relationship with writers. Maintaining appropriate communication is key to establishing trust between your business and the targeted publication. If you find an opportunity to share news of your business related to the topic they’ve covered, offer key and timely details that might pique their interest to help them develop a new story and earn you more coverage.
It’s important that writers see your business as a resource for potential stories, so you need to stay apprised of media’s staff changes, new columns, section changes, and more. You also need to be sure to promptly reply to media if they contact you for a quote, input on a story, more information about your pitch or release, etc. If you snooze, you might lose, in that they could just go to another source if they are on deadline.
How to Use Media Relations For Your Brand
Developing relationships with the media and working to earn media coverage (in print or online) takes time and experience that many business owners might not have – but it can pay dividends. Maybe you see media relations as an opportunity but need some help to employ it for your business.
Our team of experienced and skilled communicators is connected with media locally, regionally, and in specific industries, and is capable of getting key placements and media coverage. Our relationships with media outlets and their editors, reporters, and producers play a significant role in the media relations services we offer. If we can help you, please feel free to contact us today.
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