The Highlight Of My Internship At PTE
By Michelle Anderson
Reflecting on my time at PTE, I am so thankful that I was given this wonderful opportunity to learn about marketing and PR. I’m amazed at how much I have been able to learn and accomplish during my internship. I have written news releases, posted events to online calendars, developed social media content calendars, created fliers, created Facebook ad campaigns and much more.
One highlight from my internship was the Boys & Girls Club of Collier County’s Youth of the Year event. I was given the opportunity to be involved in multiple steps of the planning process, including writing news release and media alerts, performing community outreach and attending and overseeing the actual event. It was rewarding to be a part of an event from beginning to end and to see my efforts come to fruition.
Other projects that I really enjoyed include; developing a community outreach presentation for a client, creating videos for social media using iMovie and conducting market research.
I am looking forward to applying what I’ve learned at PTE in my future career. I am so grateful to the PTE team for giving me the opportunity to grow and learn at such an amazing company.
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