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5 Ways to Measure the Success of an Event

In event, Featured News, Measurement by getpushing

Looking for ways to make your event more successful than the last? How do you know if your event succeeded? Event marketers are often tasked with finding the metrics that matter to their clients to prove the value of an event. Before the start of an event, goals must be established – attendee satisfaction, registration numbers vs the actual number …

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Show your Fans and Followers Love Year-Round!

In facebook, Featured News, LinkedIn, social media by getpushing

Social Media Engagement We can all agree that social media has grown in importance over the years, making it a major factor of business development today. With an array of globally popular channels and more niche/industry-specific mediums, social media changes are inevitable. No matter the space, your goal is to captivate (and retain) your audience. Don’t just create your business …

What I Learned At PTE

In blog, Featured News, intern, internship, Rise Up by getpushing

I had a great experience interning at Pushing the Envelope. I have learned so much in such a short time. I have written news releases, media alerts, blogs, conducted research for campaigns and developed content for social media calendars.

Marketing Firm vs. In-House – 5 Questions to Ask

In blog, Communication, Compass, Featured News, marketing, public relations by getpushing

By: Samantha Scott, APR Should we hire a marketing firm or a staff person? It’s a question many business owners face and the answer is different depending on your goals, needs and budget, but there are also commonalities as well. Maybe you’re handling the marketing now and you aren’t able to anymore. Maybe you have a staff person doing marketing, …

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A Great Learning Experience

In blog, Featured News, intern, internship, public relations, public relations southwest florida, Push It Forward by getpushing

Written By: Lauren Eissey
My experience with Pushing the Envelope (PTE) has been a great learning experience so far. It’s hard to believe that we are in November and it’s even harder to believe that I’m at the midpoint of my internship. Since joining, I have become familiar with PTE clients such as Six Bends Harley-Davidson, CRS Technology Consultants and CPR Tools, Inc.

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The Best Way to Become a Pro!

In blog, Featured News, intern, internship, public relations, public relations southwest florida, Push It Forward, southwest florida by getpushing

Written By: Wytske Rijpkema
What I’ve learned so far at Pushing the Envelope, Inc. includes a thousand new things. I’ve written news releases, media alerts, put together presentations and so much more. I’ve also learned a great deal about graphic design, how to re-size photos and graphic images and how to incorporate creativity into PR. It’s nice to see how things are applied outside the classroom and outside my textbooks.

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What I’ve Learned So Far In My PTE Internship

In Featured News, intern, internship, public relations, Push it Forward by getpushing

Written by: Cari Bell
I can’t believe that I have been at this internship for more than a month now. Not having any experience at a PR firm, I wasn’t sure what I was getting into when I started. I was pretty nervous on my first day and didn’t really know what to expect when I walked into the office on my first day. Now being at this internship for over a month I have found myself learning new skills that I know will help me in the future.