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Welcome Cari to the PTE Team!

Written By: Cari Bell

Hello! My name is Cari Bell and I am one of the newest interns at Pushing the Envelope (PTE) and I could not be more excited about this amazing opportunity. I grew up about 45 minutes north of Orlando in a small town called Fruitland Park. My parents own their own business called Disability Consultants and my dad is the mayor of my little town. Growing up I have always been a part of different activities going on in my town.

I am currently a senior, graduating in spring 2016 from Florida Gulf Coast University. I am majoring in communication with a focus in public relations and a minor in marketing. I have already had some experience with working for the state director of the Humane Society and learning about nonprofits and now I am ready to tackle the agency world.

Since my freshman year, I have been actively involved in Chi Omega Fraternity and the Pause for Paws club. I have been involved in setting up different events and have helped raise donations for Make-A-Wish and the Gulf Coast Humane Society. I have just recently become a part of the National Society of Leadership and Success. I also work remotely for my dad helping with social media outreach.

When I was young, I was constantly coming up with good ideas for my parents businesses to get them out in the community. I also became a great people person when I had to go around my community to promote my dad’s mayoral campaign. At FGCU I’ve learned how to produce different communication campaigns for various companies and have learned so much about becoming a public relations professional. Since interning at a nonprofit over the summer and now interning at a PR agency, I am still figuring out what I plan on doing once I graduate.

I am so excited about the rest of my internship to get a better understanding about different PR and marketing strategies. I am eager to see how much I learn in the next couple of months and what its like to work at a PR firm.

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