Show your Fans and Followers Love Year-Round!

Social Media Engagement
We can all agree that social media has grown in importance over the years, making it a major factor of business development today. With an array of globally popular channels and more niche/industry-specific mediums, social media changes are inevitable. No matter the space, your goal is to captivate (and retain) your audience. Don’t just create your business profile online and expect it to flourish; instead, show your audience love from the start!
Before you gain a following you’ll need to develop your brand voice. This voice speaks to who you are as a company – what you believe, what you stand for, and what makes you unique. Be genuine and keep your voice consistent as to not confuse or dupe your audience. Using hashtags and keywords will optimize your posts, placing your brand and content in front of others with mutual interests.
Once you’ve put your name out, share content (e.g. photos, videos, and links) and maintain a good amount of engagement. Most importantly, when someone speaks, respond! Social media expedites communication between your business and a consumer potentially hundreds of miles away. Use it effectively by replying to comments, responding to messages, and answering questions in a timely manner. Your current customers will appreciate it, and you may gain a few new fans in the process!
Crafting Posts
When you’re crafting posts to share, remember that communication is a two-way street. Rather than post endlessly about what you’ve already accomplished, show your followers their opinions matter by bringing them into the decision-making process from the start. Whether you’re choosing your next logo, selecting a charity to support or are just in need of input, consider asking the audience. Transforming your post from “Here’s what WE like!” to “What would YOU like?” allows you to crowdsource ideas and start valuable discussions with key consumers.
Another way to show your fans you’re thinking of them is to be a resource when they need it. Depending on your targeted demographic, you could: share DIY projects and budgeting worksheets for fans looking to spend less, home remedies and tips to help new parents along, simple recipes for the average college student, and more. Even if you don’t have the means to create these posts, there are plenty of step-by-step articles and instructional videos available. Video is particularly popular, with shorter videos (:30 seconds to :90 seconds) reportedly performing better.
Don’t forget – your page isn’t the only space for discussion. Expand your reach and drive new people to your page by posting relevant information in online groups and on other like pages. Even the slightest outreach–such as liking, sharing, and commenting on posts—can put your name in front of potential customers.
For more information about social media engagement year-round, contact us today.
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