What I’ve Learned From My Internship At PTE

Written by Shannon Carroll
I have been given many incredible opportunities and experiences in the marketing and public relations industry from my internship with Pushing the Envelope. I had the privilege of working in a very professional, welcoming, and educational environment. Being able to be mentored by and learn from all of the wonderful staff was a very valuable experience.
One of the points I learned about was the standard procedures for marketing and publications for clients. Engaging in social media content calendars, reputation management, writing blogs, creating web calendars, working with PR clippings and being a part of the team at PTE was very enlightening. I learned about social media and how to market on each platform effectively. All of the platforms are unique and different. The channels are much more active and have an increase in traffic on specific days of the week at certain times of the day. Every channel can have a different audience, and amount of written characters allowed. It’s very important to change your message and keep it appropriate to that channel and to who reaches it. Yet, there are certain key points that remain uniform on each – maintaining consistency, distinctiveness and responsiveness. I also learned about the brand voice document – from which I realized how to successfully market and communicate the client’s message. You develop and take on the company’s personality and voice, enabling you to wear the correct hat to effectively market and improve the company’s public relations.
It was so great to be involved in such an organized, professional atmosphere where I could ask questions and observe the environment, along with the daily tasks involved in the marketing and public relations industry. I’ve had many opportunities for growth and production in my internship position. There were many tasks that I was given that I had learned more about the field of marketing. I discovered the importance of and the procedure for going about reputation management and creating web calendars. Reputation management is imperative because a company’s public relations is proportional to its degree of success. The benefits of remaining consistent on social media and other means for staying in communication cannot be underestimated. By responding to a customer who had a great experience, or a negative review, you are taking control of your company – who you really are and what you stand for or helping your client’s company – to help maintain and better their reputation, showing all the good they do there. This way, you can dispel doubts that may ensue by prospects looking into the company, instead of these potential customers looking elsewhere. You show how much the company values and cares about their customers and needs.
I enjoyed writing blogs, conducting research, and engaging in professional development a great deal. Writing about certain issues, creating tips and finding helpful articles gave me insight into what is needed and wanted by the audiences of clients on social media. It’s important to help and stay connected with your audience, in order to maintain a good relationship. I appreciated being able to write helpful blogs for clients and audiences, where I was then given the opportunity to work to hone in on these skills.
Immediately after I began my internship and thus far, I came to the realization that marketing is incredibly prevalent in our society – it’s all around us! I looked around my environment and knew that every object and piece of clothing is producing a communication and representing something. Being part of the team here at Pushing the Envelope has been an enjoyable and educational experience. Simply listening and observing the team has shown me what the ideal atmosphere is – encompassing how to go about and complete specific tasks for clients, to the correct mindset for marketing and public relations. All of the staff are so caring and welcoming. It’s been an excellent environment to learn and gain experience from.
Lastly, receiving mentoring was very helpful. I gained a deeper insight into the world of marketing and public relations, along with the successful point of view to hold when working in the field. Not only was I given the opportunity to learn about these fields specifically, but I have received experience because of the versatility and applicability of these subjects for any endeavor in life. Marketing and public relations has a sweeping affect into all of our lives, whichever our goals and endeavors may be. The world at large depends upon it. Thank you so much to all of the amazing team at Pushing the Envelope! I really appreciate all of your help, education and experience that I have received!
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