“Goodbye PTE & America” with Love, Wytske

By: Wytske Rijpkema
When I traveled to the USA, I had no idea what to expect. My most important goal was to step outside of my comfort zone by getting away from my friends, family and home country (Netherlands). I knew I was in for a new adventure. I really wanted to perfect my English and get experience in a country where marketing is so prolific, so I chose the United States to pursue an internship. At my university I asked for help in finding an internship in the United States and ended up deciding Florida as my destination and Pushing the Envelope as my internship company. My first day in the U.S. was rough, I missed home and although everyone was very welcoming, everything seemed a bit strange. Now, I find it hard to believe that in a few days I’ll pack my bags and leave. My 5 months at Pushing the Envelope, Inc. are coming to an end and I don’t want to leave. This was such a great experience and I learned so much. I met the most wonderful people, and felt like a real member of the team at PTE.
On the other hand, I’m very excited to see all my friends and family again. I really want to thank Pushing the Envelope, Inc. for having me and teaching me things that will be useful in my whole life. I am very excited about the possibilities that have opened up because of the skills I have learned through this internship. I will go back to finish my bachelor in commerce degree program in the Netherlands, and after that I do not know yet where I will be going. I will definitely plan a reunion with all of the great friends I made and co-workers I had at PTE. I will never forget this amazing adventure! Thanks again. Goodbye Florida!
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