4 Things to Consider When Planning Your New Website

1. Choose the right website domain.
Your domain name is one of the first impressions your potential customer perceives about your company. Think long and hard about it; try to connect it to your existing brand and/or industry. The length of a domain is also very important. Some argue that longer domains are easier to remember, while others believe a shorter domain is easier to type. Either way, the domain needs to read easy and make sense. Try not to get your heart set on a single domain name because it may not be available. You can check availability by visiting www.domain.com. Simply submit your domain name, if it’s not available, domain.com will give you a list of suggested domains similar to your query.
2. Understand your target market.
Chances are you already you have enough customers to determine a general scope of who your target audience is. If this isn’t the case, do some research, but more importantly ask your customers questions. Find out their interests. Roughly determine the average age, income, and gender, etc. To convey your message and brand clearly, the web designer needs to know who to design for.
3. Determine the purpose of your website.
Your website is a platform not just for placing your contact information and details about your business. It should be utilized as a tool to help you accomplish tasks and goals. With your goals in mind a designer can develop strategies to point users in the right direction and funnel them to accomplish them. This will streamline your users actions, preventing them from getting lost on your website.
4. Integrate your website into other marketing materials.
Your website URL should be included on all of your existing marketing materials. When your website is launched you will need as much help as possible to spread the word and bring awareness. Not doing this can prevent potential customers from easily learning more about your brand, products, and services.
In this day in age when your website is your front door and often visited long before your brick and mortar location, be careful to set it up well and strategically. If you need help or have questions, contact us!
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